Friday, September 11, 2009

well now its official......we are having a girl and she is called Lilly, i must say that im fairly stoked about that....

Monday, June 29, 2009

off to get Fiona's see how our baby is and if its a girl or Boy........

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Flikr site this is my flikr photo site,check it out

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

dobro doodle-ing

slidin away

Old Heritige farm house near Sugarloaf resivour

Black saturday sunset over Yarra Glen

The Swampy Gates

Snowy mountains fishing trip feb 09


this shot is of Riley at the Hume weir near Tallangatta.there was hardly any water in that dam which is quite unfortunate.but it made for a great photo anyway

420Krew solo riding

The Creek

well here it is my very first "blog"...... and here is my first photo.from my collection